France and Australia announce the launch of a global action network on Nutrition labelling

Working towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals under the umbrella of the United Nation Decade of Action on Nutrition 2016-2025

France and Australia have, with the support of the Nutrition Decade Secretariat, invited countries to the inaugural meeting of the Global Action Network on Nutrition labelling, on 6th and 7th February 2019 in Paris, France.

The goal of the Network is to encourage countries to accelerate efforts around nutrition labelling.

We are firmly convinced that the adoption of nutrition labelling on food products will enable citizens to get comprehensive information about the content and composition of food products and help them make informed choices for better health, as well as encourage food producers to improve the nutritional quality of the food supply.

The network will host discussions, develop a platform for sharing knowledge, support the establishment of nutrition labelling in countries and support advocacy, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The network is intended to expand to a growing number of countries. Developing nutrition labelling will strengthen national nutrition policies and help reduce the burden of malnutrition worldwide